exhibition De-sidera

DE-SIDERA | curated by Cristina Cuttica

5 APRIL | 26 MAY, 2024

ATELIER VOGLINO | Corso Milano 23 | Verona |Italy

Opening: Friday, 5 April, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Visit by appointment: Wed-Sat, 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.

“I have experienced change, an inner force that brings us closer to the capacity to be. Being close to our capacity, with lightness, helps us recognize that we are capable, brings us closer to the essence of things, because we exist. Change is lightness, it is letting go to make room for desire.”

 Alice Voglino

This reflection by Alice Voglino is the starting point for DE-SIDERA, an exhibition that presents a selection of works that are smaller in size than Alice has accustomed us to, made in mixed media on canvas and paper, exhibited as if to suggest the epiphany of desire that manifests itself in dynamic and colorful signs amidst the everyday facts represented by assemblages of acrylic and fabric color.

Desire is what is most powerful and generative at our disposal to give space and bring forth talent, vocation, our dream toward a change to strive for.
It is the engine that drives us to go further. It is thought and emotion, intention that we spread to the Universe by turning our eyes to the stars in the infinite sky entrusting them with our truest desires…
And from the stars we feel reciprocated, protected, directed in our exploration of the world, as under a dome larger than ourselves that makes us feel at home, as born under a good star that supports us in our quest for change by accompanying us to discover who we are.

To desire is to strive for change by looking with hope to the future.

It is an invitation to react to the apathy and the pain of living that is crossing our contemporaneity in a generational and vision contrast that compresses the culture of desire and hope in the future.

With this reflection we inaugurate the exhibition season proposed by Atelier Voglino, which will see in the coming months the presentation of Alice Voglino’s new research on the correlation of memory and identity.

Cristina Cuttica
art project